Sa'aloony sa'aloony sa'aloony ana sho mghayar fiyya

They asked me, they asked me,

they asked me, what have i changed about myself

Sawti wishi yam jfooni aw nazrit ayneyya (2)

My voice, my face, my cheeks, or my eyes

Ana fiyya la ma tghayyar shi,

In me nothing has changed,

albi aashi hayda ishi yali bas tghayyar fiyya

my heart loves that’s the only thing that changed about me

Sa'aloony sa'aloony sa'aloony ana sho mghayar fiyya

They asked me, they asked me,

they asked me, what have i changed about myself

Sawti wishi yam jfooni aw nazrit ayneyya (2)

My voice, my face, my cheeks, or my eyes

Ana fiyya la ma tghayyar shi,

In me nothing has changed,

albi aashi hayda ishi yali bas tghayyar fiyya

my heart loves that’s the only thing that changed about me

Ahhh hmmm

Lama nazratik hakoony ana shift idinia ahla

When your looks talked to me,

I saw the world more beautiful

Min nazra habooki ayooni wa albi ghayrik ma istahla (2)

From one look my eyes loved you,

and my heart did not like another

Labahitni ilfarha min jdeed, wa ala shibaki tal il aeed (2)

the happiness came over me newly

and on my window came a holiday

Wa ilhilm ili jay min baeed, shiftu ilyawm b ayniyya

And the dream that came form afar,

I seen today with my eyes

Ana fiyya la ma tghayyar shi,

In me nothing has changed,

albi aashi hayda ishi yali bas tghayyar fiyya

my heart loves that’s the only thing that changed about me

Sa'aloony sa'aloony sa'aloony ana sho mghayar fiyya

They asked me, they asked me,

they asked me, what have i changed about myself

Sawti wishi yam jfooni aw nazrit ayneyya (2)

My voice, my face, my cheeks, or my eyes

Ana fiyya la ma tghayyar shi,

In me nothing has changed,

albi aashi hayda ishi yali bas tghayyar fiyya

my heart loves that’s the only thing that changed about me

Ahhh hmmm

Wa la basma shaghalitli bali aw saharit albi mara

No smile has worried me or did magic on my heart once

Ma baarif sho ghayyar hali, sho sar fiyya min nizra (2)

I don’t know what changed myself,

what changed me from one look

ala bab itarf mn sneen, ana wa ayooni sahraneen (2)

on the doors of “I have no idea lol” from years,

my eyes and I are staying up

min ghayrik inti shaghilni be wa msaharni layliya

whom other than you has occupied me

and made me stay up my nights

Ana fiyya la ma tghayyar shi,

albi aashi hayda ishi yali bas tghayyar fiyya

Sa'aloony sa'aloony sa'aloony ana sho mghayar fiyya

Sawti wishi yam jfooni aw nazrit ayneyya (2)

Ana fiyya la ma tghayyar shi,

albi aashi hayda ishi yali bas tghayyar fiyya

yali bas tghayyar fiyya

that’s the only thing that changed about m